First of all we point out that there are two kind of accounts:

  • Administrators: as owners of a social elephants account they are the only users who can:

- Connect owned Social profiles and set up Competitor Analyses  

- Configure settings, disconnect/reconnect profiles

- Set Up Tools (TAGs & Saved Replies)

- Configure a Listening for tracking of #hashtags / keywords

- Access the Billing settings

- Invite collaborators and manage their roles 

  • Collaborators:  they have access to the platform according to the permissions managed by an administrator but they are not eligible for none of the above mentioned actions.   

From the main dashboard it's possible to access to the account settings by clicking on the button, as shown here below. 

It's possible to edit the personal data, customize your profile picture and change the password. The only field that cannot be edited is the E-mail: to request a mail change get in touch with Social Elephants Support to validate your new contact. 

The mail preferences can be configured to control the type of mail notifications that you will receive when offline. Notifications will be grouped in mails that will be delivered with an adjustable frequency (you can choose between Hourly and Daily).

Administrators can also access the Billing settings to review the price and conditions of the contracted plan.

The Billing information section contains the contact details used for billing .

The Quotas section shows the consumption and the current limits of service. 

Clicking "Show/Hide product details" the administrator can see the full list of social profiles installed in the Account.