Changes in the Instagram service
Modified on: Fri, 20 Apr, 2018 at 4:50 PM
Instagram introduced a new way (Instagram Graph API for Business profiles) to provide data and we recommend you to switch your brand accounts into business profiles.
Thanks to this new connection we are happy to announce that now we offer new Instagram statistics including Reach/Impressions, socio-demographic insights about the audience and data related to Instagram Stories.
It's also mandatory to have an active Instagram Business Profile installed in your Channels in order to analyze the instagram profiles of your competitors (Instagram Benchmarks). To install a new channel, follow these instructions.
In order to access to the full set of functions and insights, you need to link your Instagram accounts to the correspondent Facebook Pages by connecting with your Instagram Business Profile. You are just few clicks away:
1. Click on channel settings:

2. Click on "Connect" to refresh the connection with Instagram:

3. Make sure you are logged in on Facebook with a profile of administrator of the selected page and click on "Connect" Instagram Business Profile:

Due to limitations of the new Graph API, we are forced to temporarily suspend certain functions:
Tracking Campaigns: it's not possible to monitor #hashtags on Instagram
We are working to restore this service as soon as possible, when allowed by the new Instagram API.
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