1. Clickto set up a new Competitor Analysis:

⚠️   Remember that only the administrator of the account can configure a Competitor Analysis 

2. Choose a convenient name for your Competitor Analysis. Typically the name defines the sector/industry/group of the competitors that you want to monitor and compare. 

3. Add Competitors: click  to start editing the competitors that you want to analyze:

You can either create a new competitor from scratch or pick from a list of existing competitors:

Define a competitor by browsing the different social networks (A) and picking its social profiles typing the name or copy/pasting the URLs in the search field (B). 

Before saving, customize the competitor picture by picking one of the available avatars. 

Depending on the social network the installation process can take up to 24h. 

You can keep adding competitors and edit competitors at any time. The Overview tab will display a comparison between the different competitors installed. 

When editing a competitor you can remove social profiles or click "Delete" to remove the competitor from the analysis; it will remain available in the system, just in case you need to add it again later on. This is also means that the installed social profiles use the Competitor Analysis quota assigned to your social elephants account. 

If you want to uninstall a social profile and free some quota to add new benchmark profiles, just follow these instructions

Once the benchmark module is set up, you can invite users so that they can access the data.