The Manage & Analyze and Competitor Analysis modules already have their own sections to get insights and monitor the KPIs. 

Nevertheless sometimes it's useful to extract data in the form of a Report, for one of the following reasons:

  • Combine/compare data of multiple social profiles or multiple benchmarks 
  • Present results in a visual, inspiring and clear way, easy to share with collaborators 
  • Prepare templates and schedule periodic extractions of data
  • Breakdown data by format, tag, campaign, time, etc, in order to optimize the social media strategy
  • Access to unique advanced metrics not displayed elsewhere in our platform 

To create a new report, go to the main dashboard and click on the "Reports" button:

We offer a selection of reports ranging from the overall performance of the social profiles, the post KPIs analysis, clipping of activity of selected competitors benchmarks, presentation of a visual  multi-channel content calendar, analysis of customer care service indicators and much more. 

You can pick one of our templates, customize them to match your needs or create a new report from scratch:

To set up a Report you first need to select the profiles that you want to analyze, optionally you can select custom metrics (KPIs) and graphs to personalize the report and, finally, you can generate the Report or download it in Excel format. 

You can save your own templates and also automate the generation of your reports picking a daily/weekly/monthly frequency of delivery:

These saved presets will be available in the "Your templates" tab, ready to be used anytime to create a report straight away , while the scheduled reports will be archived in the "Automatically generated" tab:

The reports can be printed (paper or PDF) , exported in Excel format or Shared with a link: