The Manage & Analyze and Competitor Analysis modules already have their own sections to get insights and monitor the KPIs.
Nevertheless sometimes it's useful to extract data in the form of a Report, for one of the following reasons:
- Combine/compare data of multiple social profiles or multiple benchmarks
- Present results in a visual, inspiring and clear way, easy to share with collaborators
- Prepare templates and schedule periodic extractions of data
- Breakdown data by format, tag, campaign, time, etc, in order to optimize the social media strategy
- Access to unique advanced metrics not displayed elsewhere in our platform
To create a new report, go to the main dashboard and click on the "Reports" button:
We offer a selection of reports ranging from the overall performance of the social profiles, the post KPIs analysis, clipping of activity of selected competitors benchmarks, presentation of a visual multi-channel content calendar, analysis of customer care service indicators and much more.
You can pick one of our templates, customize them to match your needs or create a new report from scratch: